Nature gives its fruits and gives you treatments complete and pure for your face.
From cleansing to deep hydration your skin will live a new spring exploiting the toning, relaxing and illuminating properties of our active ingredients from organic grown vegetables with love for the earth and for a beauty simply true and natural.
Italian Bio eco cosmetics and certified.

AIAB Certificates
What is the AIAB Certification?
AIAB is the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture and has developed a specification to give all interested parties access to the certification of their products, with the mission of being able to display on the label the declaration of conformity Bio Eco Cosmetics.
The certification is entrusted by an external and independent control body, which through its technicians will verify compliance with the AIAB specification and through this specification, pursues the following objectives:
a) to allow, even in the field of body care, to use products with low environmental impact and able to express the maximum possible protection for the health of the consumer, as well as to meet their expectations through a correct, transparent and complete definition of Bio Eco Cosmetics;
b) define the minimum requirements for the Bio Eco Cosmetics products to which the trademark is granted;
c) guarantee:
– the absence in the products and packaging of non-eco-compatible raw materials;
– the absence of non allergenic, irritating or non-vegetal raw materials with evidence of probable damage to human health;
– reduction of the environmental impact due to superfluous packaging (single packaging) or non-recyclable packaging (we promote packaging from renewable raw materials, recyclable materials or connected to a system for the return of voids);
d) to promote: the use of raw materials from organic farming or certified spontaneous collection; the consumption of organic cosmetics, allowing the consumer the easy and immediate recognition of certified cosmetics.

NO petroleum derivatives, dyes, parabens, sles / sls, silicones, superfluous packaging